Community Living Toronto (CLTO) Board of Directors Standing Board Committees
CLTO is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors that is primarily a “governance” body responsible for: safeguarding the mission, vision, and values of the organization, setting its strategic direction, overseeing the provision of its finances, and meeting the needs of its stakeholders.
The Board carries out its responsibilities through its Standing Committees (currently Executive, Governance, Government Relations, Finance & Audit, and Service Excellence) and several Ad Hoc Committees (which are used as needed for specific initiatives/projects). Committees are made up of Board members and other volunteers.
Volunteer members of the Board and its Committees are sought with a variety of experience to achieve the diversity of thought, skills, and stakeholder perspectives needed to fulfill relevant mandates. We are currently seeking volunteers for several Committees, who may have a longer-term interest in serving on the Board of Directors.
Current Openings - Volunteers for non-Board Members on Committees:
Our Service Excellence Committee is responsible for providing the Board with line-of-sight into key measures of service excellence, service quality, and outcomes and experiences of people we support and their families. It is currently seeking volunteer members with a strong background in quality and operational risk management, and/or service excellence.
Our Government Relations Committee is responsible for assisting management and staff in the development of communication strategies to educate members of government about the developmental services sector. It is currently seeking volunteer members with a strong background in government affairs, stakeholder engagement, and/or policy. Corporate Brochure.
Our Governance Committee is responsible for identifying continuing opportunities to improve the Board’s ability to meet its governance obligations, to continue developing the Board’s skills, abilities and diversity, and to identify, recruit, prepare and recommend candidates for appointment to the Board of CLTO and its committees. It is currently seeking volunteer members with a strong background in governance, executive management, and/or Board experience.
If you have any of the skills referenced above, or know of someone who does and can recommend them to serve on one of our Committees, or if you need further information about this Call for Volunteers, please contact :
Kathia Pereira, Manager, Executive Office at
Time Commitment: 2 – 3 hours per month.
General Requirements
To fill openings on these Committees, CLTO seeks individuals who at the time of their election or appointment:
- are interested in the work of the CLTO and the developmental services sector;
- are not employees of CLTO, Community Living Ontario or its Community Councils, or Inclusion Canada; and,
- who have the following qualities and personal attributes:
a. A positive track record of community service.
b. Positive interpersonal skills that will contribute to working co-operatively and communicating effectively with other members of the Committee and senior management.
c. A commitment to engage in strategic thinking, and the ability to provide wise counsel and ask relevant questions at a strategic level.
d. Personal and professional integrity and informed judgment.
e. Enthusiasm for the role and its demands.
f. Ability and willingness to commit the necessary time to prepare for and participate in meetings, continuing education, and selected events.
g. Commitment to comply with any conflict-of-interest and confidentiality policies.
h. Are over the age of eighteen (18).
This is a volunteer role. No remuneration is paid for service on the CLTO Board and its Committees.
General Selection Process
All applications will be reviewed by the Governance Committee of the Board, and while we thank everyone for their interest, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
Anyone with a disability who needs accommodation in the nomination process or who needs the Call for Volunteers in an alternative format should contact the Manager, Executive Office, Kathia Pereira, at
About Community Living Toronto
Community Living Toronto (CLTO) has been a source of support for people with an intellectual disability and their families since 1948. We offer a wide range of services including housing and employment supports, supported living, and community-based activities. We are proud to support over 4,000 individuals and their families in 80+ locations across Toronto with an annual budget of $100M+.