Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

A graphic of an intersection of green "Inclusion" circle, dark blue "Equity" circle, and light blue "Diversity" circle creating "Belonging" The elimination of racial discrimination and racism is an essential part of CLTO’s efforts to cultivate an equitable and inclusive learning environment and work culture.

Community Living Toronto aspires to a culture where equity and inclusion are naturally occurring, and diversity is embraced as a source of learning and pride.

Community Living Toronto aims for equity through the fair and respectful treatment of all people – staff and individuals served. This will be achieved through an intentional and respectful focus on, and recognition of, everyone’s unique qualities and attributes and creation of inclusive environments where all individuals feel respected, accepted and valued.

We believe that supporting and engaging diversity of age, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical or intellectual ability, ethnicity, religion and Indigenous heritage is integral to the services we provide.

As an employer of choice, Community Living Toronto is committed to attracting and retaining a diverse workforce, building and strengthening partnerships, and fostering an environment free of discrimination and harassment.

We will work to ensure that the concepts of equity, diversity and inclusion are understood and barriers are eliminated, so that the EDI (equity, diversity, and inclusion) culture is reflected and celebrated throughout the organization.

For additional CCDI glossary of terms that we follow please click here.

Further to this mandate we have invited contributors to share their expertise and understandings on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and how these topics intersect with the disabled community.

If you are interested in learning more about our EDI work at Community Living Toronto please reach out:

Calendar of Awareness Days

  • October 2023
  • Disability Employment Awareness Month
  • Islamic Heritage Month
  • Rett Syndrome Awareness Month
  • October 6th: World Cerebral Palsy Day
  • October 11th: National Coming Out Day
  • October 18th: International Pronounce Day
  • October 19th: Spirit Day
  • If you would like to recommend events to focus on, please get in touch.

Upcoming Events

There are many days and months in a year that we hope to acknowledge, remember and celebrate. We would like to encourage you to contribute to those days that are meaningful to you. This is about sharing your story and your personal connection.

Please use the following link to join us! When you submit, the details will be adapted into a post that will be included in our site. Someone will be in touch before a post is made using your content.