Join the Community Living Movement and add your name to the thousands of others advocating for the rights of people with an intellectual disability!
Community Living Toronto Members play a critical role in influencing and supporting the priority work of the association. They share, support, and enable our vision by supporting the rights and choices of people with an intellectual disability.
As a Member your support may be expressed in a variety of ways including your time, your voice, and your financial support.
As a MEMBER you…
- Have a vote at our Annual General Meeting to help shape policy and important issues.
- Can become actively involved as a volunteer on our Board of Directors, Community Councils, or other committees.
- Will receive our weekly membership e-blast to keep you informed of upcoming CLTO and community events, conferences, symposiums, and member only discounts.
- Are supporting the work of the Association through your donations, helping to create more opportunities for people with an intellectual disability.
How do you become a CLTO Member?
- Anyone over the age of 18 who makes an annual donation and opts into membership can become a member of CLTO.
Who is not eligible as a CLTO Member?
- Current CLTO staff
- Anyone under the age of 18
Event Calendar:
Contact one of our Community Engagement Coordinators:
Information and Membership: 647.426.3220
Carmen Woolacoot, Community Engagement Coordinator | Membership and Volunteers
Address: 65 The East Mall
Etobicoke, ON M8Z 5W3
Hannah Ertl, Community Engagement Coordinator| Membership and Volunteers
Address: 20 Spadina Road
Toronto, ON M5R 2S7
Tom Gaspar, Community Engagement Coordinator | Membership and Volunteers
Address: 20 Spadina Road
Toronto, ON M5R 2S7