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The Individualized On-Campus Post-Secondary Experience Network (IOPEN) is a partnership with Centennial College that supports people with an intellectual disability to experience college and explore their post-secondary options. CLTO staff assist students to access, attend, explore and experience college life with the necessary accommodations.
Students take one General Education elective class per semester. If they choose, students can work towards a four credit stackable credentials certificate and graduate upon successful completion. College course fees apply.
If you are currently in service with one of Community Living Toronto’s many Ministry-funded programs, you are eligible to participate in IOPEN.
If you’re not in service with CLTO, please contact the DSO to apply for IOPEN.
Designed for children and youth, SPINCLUSION is an interactive game that encourages welcoming and inclusive approaches. This game helps children and youth to recognize and celebrate people’s differences.
Our team can visit the classroom to facilitate this game. Schools and community partners can also purchase it.