Employment Services

We provide employment supports for people transitioning from school and community to gainful employment. CLTO provides intake assessments, job development, employer engagement, job coaching, job advancement and retention supports. This holistic approach to employment supports enable participants' career success.
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
CLTO is an ODSP employment supports service provider. Although the majority of the people we support in employment services come to us through an ODSP referral, you don't need to be on ODSP to receive employment assistance from CLTO. We can also support people to apply for ODSP's employment supports.
ODSP Employment Supports – How to Apply
CLTO employees provide data-management services to Kyndryl (formerly IBM) and the organizations that require access to their database.
There is an error margin of less than 1%.
Eligibility criteria:
- able to work independently and within a team
- exceptional accuracy
- police clearances
What We Do For Business…
Since 1971, Community Living Toronto’s Employment Services have provided employers with hard-working, dependable, long-term employees. We have an extensive pool of job seekers who are willing and ready to work, and our placement services are free for employers. We can help you find an employee with the knowledge, skills and abilities to match your needs and goals!
Our employment services staff can:
- match the labour needs of employers with the skills/abilities of our job seekers for full-time, part-time, casual, and seasonal opportunities
- provide on the job training to ensure employer satisfaction
- offer orientation, basic training, and on-going support for both employer and employee
- provide effective working solutions to a variety of employment demands in a diverse range of fields including: industrial maintenance, janitorial services, food services, retail, and general labour
To learn more about Kyndryl or ODSP Employment Services, please contact Nick Hadjiyianni, Employment Program Manager, at 416-558-7956 or nhadjiyianni@cltoronto.ca.
Supports youth with an intellectual disability or autism in their last year of high school through an intensive co-op program to aid in their transition to work/community activities.
The program runs from September to June. Students must successfully complete DiscoverMyRoute, a public transit training program, before starting Project Search Toronto.
The Project Search classroom is located in Toronto Rehab's Rumsey Centre. With a TDSB teacher and job developers, participants complete intensive job coaching in administrative services, environmental services, and hospitality and food services.
Throughout their co-op training, CLTO's employment services team meets with the participants to stay up-to-date on their career goals to enable a successful transition into meaningful employment.
Project Search is a partnership between Community Living Toronto, Ontario Disability Employment Network, Holland Bloorview Kids Hospital, United Way Greater Toronto, and the Toronto District School Board.
To apply for this program, contact your high school guidance or special education department. You can also apply through the website below.

Youth 2 Work
Youth 2 Work programs offers assistance and support to youth with an intellectual disability who are preparing to leave the educational system.
Our partnerships with local high schools and other community allies give the people we support the opportunity to find success in the workplace.
Through Youth 2 Work, we help individuals make a successful transition from school to a rewarding, meaningful and productive life in the community.
Access Youth 2 Work through the DSO.
For more information about Youth 2 Work, please contact Flora Nichols at 416-710-7843 or fnichols@cltoronto.ca.

Staff with intellectual disabilities provide a wide range of professional janitorial and property maintenance services to develop specialized skills and a career in janitorial/environmental services. They are employees of CLTO.
To inquire about opportunities with Sunrise Janitorial, Rodney Fenton, Program Supervisor, at rodney.fenton@cltoronto.ca.