
An open letter to Minister of Children, Community and Social Services, Lisa MacLeod

Earlier this week, Minister of Children, Community and Social Services, Lisa MacLeod, announced a 1.5% increase to ODSP rates effective this fall. The government also announced that they would be cancelling the Basic Income pilot, 15 months into the proposed 3 year project. This afternoon, we issued a letter to Minister MacLeod in response to these announcements. (Read more)


Easter Seals, VIA Rail and Coach Canada LOGO

The Disability Travel Card is for people of all types of permanent disabilities who require the assistance of a support person when travelling with VIA Rail Canada, Greyhound Canada, Coach Canada, and Motor Coach Canada. (Read more)

June Connections Newsletter

Want to know what we have been up to this past month? Want to find out the fun events that are happening this month across the GTA? Read our Membership newsletter! (Read more)