Individualized clinical services that optimize quality of life for the diverse range of people we support and their families.

Person-Directed Planning
Person-directed planning is time spent with an individual to listen to their future dreams and goals, which are documented together with direct supports and services to be provided by Community Living Toronto.
Person-directed plans are an opportunity for the people we support to express what is most important in their life. Plans explore dreams and aspirations and then identify the supports, services and resources needed to achieve them.
Plans are wholistic, person-centered and ongoing. They celebrate individual rights, diversity, relationships and inclusion. Every adult we support has a person-directed plan that is reviewed and updated annually.
To learn more, please contact our Information and Membership line at 647-426-3220.

Specialized Resource Homes

Specialized Resource Homes are a group of supported living programs for both adults and children who have a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder and present with unique and complex needs.
This service uses a biopsychosocial approach within a behavior analytic framework with the aim to reduce challenging behaviors, increase daily living skills, and build capacity for community integration.
Access to this program is through a referral from one of our community partner agencies. Children are referred to us by Lumenus Community Services and adults are referred by Developmental Services Ontario.
For more information about our specialized resource homes, please contact our Information and Membership line at 647-426-3220.
Community Supports
Adult Protective Services
Adult Protective Services Workers deliver support and case management for adults (18+) with an intellectual disability who live on their own in the community. APSWs identify and facilitate access to community supports as well as government-funded services such as the Ontario Disability Support Program, Passport Program and Legal Aid. The goal is to improve overall quality of life, by supporting independence, stability, and social inclusion.
You need a DSO referral to access this service. An assessment will be completed to determine whether you are eligible.
For more information about CLTO's Adult Protective Services, please call 647-725-1359 (male referrals) or 647-725-1360 (female referrals).

Early Childhood Services
Early Childhood Consultants (ECCs) provide support for children with a wide range of needs between the ages of 0-12 years within childcare settings. They promote inclusive practices, skill development, and capacity-building of Registered Early Childhood Educators, ensuring that every child can fully participate in the programs and has a positive sense of self and belonging.
To learn more about our Early Childhood Services, click here >>
Family Support Coordination
Family Support Coordinators provide goal-oriented supports and services to people with an intellectual disability who live with their families or in Long Term Care (LTC) facilities who are not able to self-advocate.
Using a “community of practice” approach, Family Support Coordinators work in partnership with the individuals and their families, promoting best practices around inclusion, coordinating access to supports and services, and advocating on their behalf.
Access for adult services is through the DSO.
To access our services for children, call our Information and Membership line at 647.426.3220.

Internal Clinical Services
Clinical services are available to all people supported by CLTO, and are comprised of an interdisciplinary team specializing in health, behavioural, social work and transitional services. These services can be accessed through an internal referral process by staff at CLTO. The interdisciplinary team works collaboratively with CLTO staff to review referrals, develop plans and implement as needed. Some examples of services provided by the interdisciplinary team include, but are not limited to, Regulated Health Profession Act (RHPA) training, medication reviews, functional behaviour assessments, intake and transition planning, and complex care coordination.
Behavioural Services
Behaviour analytic services are available to individuals in service at CLTO. This service aims to promote adaptive skills and reduce challenging behaviours. Individual assessment and treatment of challenging behaviours could include a functional behaviour assessment, functional analysis, data collection and staff training.
This is an internal service for people already supported by CLTO. If you are interested in this service, please contact your CLTO staff member. They can complete a referral for you.

Supports and Housing
The Supports and Housing team provides a range of clinical and coordination services for people with an intellectual disability.
They identify the support needs of people referred to CLTO’s Supported Living services, and provide specialized care coordination during transitions such as being discharged from hospital, moving between CLTO programs, transitioning out of service, and more.
This is an internal service for people already supported by CLTO. If you are interested in this service, please contact your CLTO staff member. They can complete a referral for you.
Social Work
Our social workers provide person-centered mental health services including, but not limited to, individual counseling, psychosocial supports, clinical assessment and treatment development. Evidence-based therapeutic techniques and modalities such as cognitive behaviour therapy are utilized. Social workers are also responsible for the management of referrals and individual caseloads while providing consultation and support of individuals with dual diagnosis in the development of care plans.
This is an internal service for people already supported by CLTO. If you are interested in this service, please contact your CLTO staff member. They can complete a referral for you.

Health and Wellness
CLTO's heath team is responsible for providing health-based assessments, including medication assessments, for the people we support. The health team identifies individuals who may benefit from additional services and provides access to them. These include The Plus45 Clinic, a group of interdisciplinary clinicians who provide assessments and recommendations for individuals over the age of 40, and COMDH Dental Services, which provides in-home dental services to individuals in the CLTO community.
This is an internal service for people already supported by CLTO. If you are interested in this service, please contact your CLTO staff member. They can complete a referral for you.
Interdisciplinary Review Committee
Our Interdisciplinary Review Committee (IRC) was established in 2020 to ensure that our clinical services are appropriately selected, developed, implemented, and monitored, in accordance with research literature, best practice guidelines, relevant legislation and program guidelines. The committee uses a biopsychosocial model of support and includes a psychiatrist, a psychologist, a social worker, a registered nurse, a pharmacist and behaviour analysts.
To learn more, please contact our Information and Membership line at 647-426-3220.

What's the DSO?
Developmental Services Ontario (DSO) is the access point for adult developmental services funded by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) in Ontario.
When you turn 18, you must apply through DSO to see if you are eligible to receive adult MCCSS-funded supports.